Sages Circle Wellness Boutique
Archangel Haniel Divine Incense
Archangel Haniel Divine Incense
Haniel is the archangel of of joy, as her name translates to “Joy of The Divine”. Archangel Haniel is known as the angel of joy. She works to direct people who are searching for fulfillment to God, who is the source of all joy. If you’ve become frustrated or disappointed looking for happiness and coming up short you can turn to Haniel to develop a relationship that The Divine will bless you with a truly enjoyable life, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in. All you have to do is be alert to signs that Haniel is present.
Any of the seven archangels can guide a human being in the spiritual evolution of each person. Heaven is very organized and all celestial beings have specific work to do. Each one of these magnificent beings work for the many Rays of The Divine that exist, and each archangel has a specialty that they are dedicated to. We can invoke them according to what we need. Goloka has been manufacturing Masala hand rolled, all natural incense, known for its quality, purity, and unique blends since 1982. The company is also known throughout the world for their generosity and 100% of all manufacturing profits are used for charitable activities.